搜索 McClure

  •   以魔法之地为背景,邪恶之人为了获得权力,从巫女身上夺取黑魔法,并攻占各城镇,给人类带来了漫长的苦难。来自不同时代及文化的英雄们为了讨伐邪恶力量,联手展开一段血腥暴力的生存之战。 血溅横飞的画面风格,将本片的暴力美学展现到极致,而故事的惊人发展,也让整部电影的张力爆发到极点,宛如动画版〈权力游戏〉令人热血沸腾,是动画…
  • 动画片动画
    以魔法之地为背景,邪恶之人为了获得权力,从巫女身上夺取黑魔法,并攻占各城镇,给人类带来了漫长的苦难。来自不同时代及文化的英雄们为了讨伐邪恶力量,联手展开一段血腥暴力的生存之战。 血溅横飞的画面风格,将本片的暴力美学展现到极致,而故事的惊人发展,也让整部电影的张力爆发到极点,宛如动画版〈权力游戏〉令人热血沸腾,是动画少见…
  • In an attempt to launch their careers, two young actors investigate a disturbing viral video of a French psychic's prophecy. As they shed light on the mysterious footage, their journey will test their friendship, threaten their lives and reveal a most troubling secret.
  • 在一个已经不再以年计入的反面乌托邦的未来,公民如果没有工作就要被送到劳改营,并且从此以后杳无音讯。亚当是一个刚刚下岗的工厂工人,为了活命,他接受了广告上关于医疗测试的实验。于是,他飞泻而下一个基因工程和精神控制的兔子洞,开始了时间旅行。
  • 22-year-old Cole feels trapped by his rigid life, unable to fulfill his writing dreams. When opportunity knocks, he jumps at the chance to escape his broken family. Feeling guilty for his abandonment, he returns home, followed by a girl from school-that has an unexpected impact on the town.
  • http://www.rainfallsfromearth.comOn April 17, 1975, the face of Cambodia would forever be changed. As Khmer Rouge soldiers marched into the capital city of Phnom Penh, the unsuspecting people of Cambodia had little idea they would be forced into a living nightmare for nearly four years. Rain Falls From Earth is a story…
  • 懂事的克里斯(乔纳森·鲁迪 Jonathan Rudy 饰)经常会帮助父母照看自己的妹妹茉莉(Chanise McClure 饰),哪知道这一天,克里斯实在是太累了,竟然在照顾茉莉的时候睡着了,当他醒来之时,茉莉已经消失的无影无踪。大人们推断,茉莉应该是掉进了附近的河里,因为水流过于湍急,她被冲走了,因此生不见人死不见尸。父母虽然心碎欲绝,但也没有…