- A group of playboys organize the last party of the year in a slum before the change in weather.
- Lyle Jensen is subject to sudden and violent outbursts, and he is committed to the juvenile wing of the Northwood Mental Institution. Several other youths are there with a variety of serious problems. Lyle interacts with other patients and staff on a human, and sometimes not so human level. The psychological problems o…
- First phase: CampobelloThe first phase happens in the 19 century and portrays the history of an improbable love but so strong, that neither death nor time is capable to shake. Lívia and Felipe are of distinct social classes: She is a humble, obliged young lady that lives in the city's convent while Felipe is a noble Ea…
- 你钟爱的多莉的歌曲,你期待已久的故事。《多莉·帕顿: 心弦之声》是一部选集剧集,展示了她最受喜爱的歌曲背后的故事、记忆和灵感。每一集都以多莉的新曲和经典之作为配乐。从爱情故事、励志故事到家庭剧、西部片和复仇题材喜剧片,每个故事都有不同的基调。