搜索 Merced

  • 这是一部关于三名生活在美国的中东女子的故事。Leila 订婚了,随着婚礼降至,她觉得自己的生活越来越不受自己的控制。Amira是非常虔诚的穆~斯~林,但她发现自己却对女人更感兴趣。Nikki 在经历了一场家庭变故以后越来越自暴自弃。随着电影的进行,三个女子的故事相继展开并且三人之间又发生了千丝万缕的联系……
  • Life in the tiny rural village of Glod, Romania is pretty uneventful for 17-year-old Carmen. She works in her father's bar, waiting on layabouts, watching Spanish soap operas, and planning a life far, far away. But when crews from Sacha Baron Cohen's Borat film arrive, everything changes. Speaking no English, the towns…
  • 阿根廷独立电影女导演。Visually beautiful and profound. This film is a gem! Although a woman's sensibility (director/writer Mercedes Garcia Guevara) pervades, this work should have universal appeal. It's essentially a story of reclamation and red…
  • 53个冬日将3段关于心理的、感情的、和社会的寻常而复杂的人生短片交织成一个意料之外却又引起共鸣的故事,当电影画完句号,观众们荏苒沉浸在剧情之中。一个冬夜,3个人在车站等车:Mila 是一位曾因被学生攻击而离职一年的教师;Celso 是一个已婚并有一个儿子的保安过着入不敷出的生活,他意外的得知自己又要做父亲了,并且这次是一对双胞胎;V…
  • 纪录片记录
  • When we first meet Lucia she is withdrawn and isolated from her friends and family, dealing with anxiety attacks and a legion of secrets. But when she meets bright and carefree Olivia, Lucia seizes the opportunity to break out of her shell and live the life she was afraid to admit she wanted.
  • A young woman living on a Caribbean island is searching for her father who is lost at sea. When her estranged family come to help, she must confront their dark past and this new family she never expected to embrace.Keyla lives with her father on the island of Providencia, a former “land of pirates” in the Colombian Car…
  • The star of the hit series, The Haunting of Sunshine Girl, Sunshine embarks on a new adventure with her best pal, Nolan and a new sidekick Andrew. They head to Portland, Oregon in search of her favorite urban legend, Black Eyed Kids. Here they meet several witnesses who have seen BEK. This is a whole new adventure for …
  • 任職竊盜組的年輕女警依娃一心想進入重案組,卻苦無機會。某天、追緝專門恐嚇謀殺高齡婦女連續殺人狂的追緝小組將她徵招。依娃該如何面對追緝凶手的巨大壓力,抽絲剝繭追查兇手,而與依娃搭擋的維達督察卻是百般刁難,而這背後隱藏著秘密即將水落石出…但真的是如此嗎?不到最後關頭,真相永遠無法大白。