搜索 Mihai

  • Maestrul comediei romanesti, Geo Saizescu, reuseste in acest film sa dea viatapersonajului snoavelor populare romanesti, sa dea o imagine atemporala si plinade umor a satului romanesc, sa-i aduca lui Sebastian Papaiani statutul de vedeta.
  • Carlo Ercole, a maestro of Italian cinema, asks his assistants to depart immediately for the Central African rainforest to find some Pygmies, "the incarnation of life", for the film he plans to shoot in Paris. Hardly cut out for such an adventure, Marc and Olivier are thrown into the maelstrom of a major Afri…
  • Set in the Yugoslav province of Herzegovina this crime drama follows a gang of thugs as they terrorize the locals, the tourists, and young women. The delinquent boys pay special attention to the newest girl in town who sells newspapers, and wager over which one of them will have her first. One boy is genuinely interest…
  • The title, translated to english, is "The march of Drina". This Yugoslav film is most notable for it's topic, handling of the same and circumstances.The film was made during the communist era of Yugoslavia. Unlike 99% of war movies made during that time, this one doesn't deal with WW2 and communist revolution…
  • This TV drama shows a gymnasium class on the end of the 19th century, which was all but not an ordinary class. Full of intellectuals, and young scientists, writers and artists, this class was highly with potential and many of them were later famous in Serbian history. metaphor is old professor's Kosta Vujic hat, which …
  • 动画片动画
  • 阿黛尔和她的母亲孔查生活在城郊的一个贫民窟里。孔查的丈夫是个可恶的暴徒,他使母女俩长期生活在暴力和虐待之中。对此忍无可忍的孔查决定不顾一切风险,偷走一大笔钱,并带着女儿阿黛尔逃离。不幸的是,她们在出逃中被发现了。在追捕过程中,孔查却意外地驾车撞死了丈夫……这场逃离注定是一次冒险,而母女俩竭尽全力,才能挣脱一直禁锢她们的…