搜索 Mikic

  •   根据为儿童小说改编,背景是二战后的马其顿孤儿院,其设立的真正目的不是照顾孩子,而是灌输政治观念。诗一般的视觉效果和演员精彩的演出,让童年时的友谊和一生中的背叛,引起观众的共鸣
  • 剧情片
    Lea is a young girl on the brink of death. She begins her final challenge, a thesis that seeks proof in the belief that happiness can be multiplied, as can the feelings of sadness, loneliness, and misery. Unfolding the research, she discovers the "Werther Effect", a phenomenon that creates a negative domino e…
  • 喜剧片剧情
    Eva and Metodi are young, rich and successful. He wants to have children, but she fears pregnancy. One day Eva drives to the village her family came from. There she arranges for a relative with intellectual disability to move in with them. She has a plan. Danche and Caramba live in a crumbling house below Eva’s and Met…
  • Vele不能再承受父亲癌症治疗需要的高昂的医药费了。绝望中他从一群犯罪团伙那里偷来了大麻,做了个蛋糕给父亲吃,希望能减轻他的病痛。他父亲的健康情况奇迹般的改善,但是邻居却跟他索要治疗用蛋糕的秘方,而那群犯罪团伙向他要回他们的毒品。但是最麻烦的挑战还不是这些,他要试图说服自己的父亲——他值得活下去……
  • 《火星鬼水》是《神秘博士》2009特别篇第二弹,于11月15日在BBC1播出。制作人Russell T Davies透露,这集会和接下来的2集关系密切,但并不是三部曲的第一部分。本集献给2009年10月过世的前"神秘博士"编剧兼制作人Barry letts。   故事发生于2059年,火星。博士有了新搭档Adelaide Brooke,火星殖民地Bowie基地…
  • based upon Gurdjieff's book, Meetings with Remarkable Men is the story of his search through the Middle East and Central Asia for answers to the question of the meaning of life. The film, directed by Peter Brook, was made on location in the mountains and deserts of Afghanistan, and has been widely acclaimed for its uni…
  • One of the most terrible ills of our time, people trafficking, follows the so-called Balkans Route for smuggling people into the West. Bosnian and Croatian papers often carry stories about groups of illegal immigrants discovered by the police, and just as frequent are the news of such imimigrants' deaths. The Melon Rou…
  • 故事发生在一座公寓里,房客形形色色,有任意殴打老婆、重男轻女的暴力丈夫,有性格扭曲、妻子已死却仍然置之屋内至发臭的变态老头,有贪财好色的墙头草猥琐医生,有颇具职业精神的妓女,有遏止同性恋行为的道德优越者,房东是奥尔加夫妇,有一个自以为是的独身儿子,这群人本来就故事多多、矛盾重重,突然又搬进来两个年轻女孩玛利亚和伊娃,故…
  • 在战争中,一座城市被包围了。停火协议已经签署了,但是在停战之前,还有一些艰难的工作需要完成,Ivo领兵的“黑色军团”接受了这项任务,在行动了,三位士兵丧命,Ivo决定把他们的尸体从森林中运出来。他不顾停火协议,炸毁了大坝,造成了不少敌军的伤亡。在幸存的兵团成员中,一股怀疑和内疚的情绪正在蔓延,这让他们饱受折磨。同时,他们发现…