- 法加合拍剧集《非常人贩 Transporter》被美国方取消后,制片公司决定续拍第二季,日前终于宣布第二季将在美国时间10月5日于The Movie Network(加拿大台)及The Movie Channel(美国有线台)两处首播主演《越狱》、《灵医》的英国男星克里斯·范斯近日加盟电视剧版《非常人贩》,出演男主角Frank Martin;此前他还客串出演过《嗜血法…
- The victim: Police Constable Greg Schultz. The killer: stand-up comic and Greg's older brother Murray Schultz. Greg's death is the first case for Oscar following his recovery and promotion to staff sergeant, Brian in his new position as Angie's partner, and the new homicide detective Mitch Kennecki, an overly cocky kno…
- The victim: Police Constable Greg Schultz. The killer: stand-up comic and Greg's older brother Murray Schultz. Greg's death is the first case for Oscar following his recovery and promotion to staff sergeant, Brian in his new position as Angie's partner, and the new homicide detective Mitch Kennecki, an overly cocky kno…
- 电视剧版《非常人贩》改编自2002年同名电影,该剧是吕克·贝松亲自监制的2013年Cinmax电视台重磅大作。 身手不凡的退役特种兵Frank Martin(克里斯·范斯 Chris Vance 饰)如今从事着用奥迪车货运的营生,弗兰克不管自己服务的是否是银行抢劫犯,他更关注协议与原则。一单任务结束后,他免不了又要迎接警察的盘问与新工作。他和不同犯罪打过交道…