- BBC王牌主持人,英国名喜剧演员Micheal Palin带您展开了另一次绚丽的80天旅途,一起周游世界。\r\n 与世界名著“环游世界八十天”相同旅程!环游世界旅行者必备的经典参考指南!!你曾梦想环游世界吗?八十天内绕完地球一周,会是怎么样的奇幻刺激冒险?麦克尔·帕林自告奋勇要完成这一部纪录片(这辈子在这之前只有一次经验),跟时间赛跑,…
- Follows Jo, a passionate pilot who is inspired by her grandmother's mysterious legacy, and must decide what is more important, protecting the innocence of those you love or famed success.
- Haitian history is presented through an explosion of colour, dance and music, as the country prepares for its legendary carnival.