- This film unravels the story of Club Desire as a thriving Ninth Ward music club where Fats Domino got his start and legendary musicians regularly performed during the Jim Crow era. Charlie Armstead opened the club at 2604 Desire Street in 1948 and managed it until his death in 1954. After Charlie’s death, his oldest da…
- 本片描述一位美国女子蕾吉在巴黎准备离婚时,丈夫却遭人谋杀,她收到美国大使馆巴索隆尤先生的来电,告之其丈夫与德仔潘、吉利恩、史哥比、卡森·戴尔等人曾在大战中私吞25万美元公款,美国政府希望蕾吉能够协助追回这笔款项。蕾吉到处受到丈夫前战友的逼迫,幸亏在度假时得到一位刚认识的男子彼德帮助,蕾吉亦对他倾心不已。丈夫前战友在追寻巨…