- Mighty Mouse has humorous, satirical adventures in this short-lived Saturday Morning cartoon by Ralph Bakshi
- The Columbine Massacre of April 20, 1999 completely redefined America's view of the lives of high school students. Drawn straight from Columbine victim Rachel Joy Scott's words and journal entries, through the insight of her mother, Beth Nimmo, it is the true story of a high school student whose compassionate, caring f…
- 野村宗弘のマンガ「うきわ」を原作とした本作の舞台は、社宅のベランダ。夫の仕事の都合で広島から上京してきた主婦・中山麻衣子は、仕事で多忙な夫の遅い帰りを待つ日々が続いていた。そんな中、麻衣子と隣室に住む夫の上司・二葉一は、壁一枚を隔てたベランダで会話を重ねて距離を縮めていく。