搜索 Moing

  • Welcome to a world ravaged by explosions of violence, a world without love. Jung, the broken-hearted hero, pursues his quest: reunite with Maria, his lost love, savagely decapitated by Little Jesus. He can count on the support of allies met along his bloody path, encounters that provide an understanding of others, but …
  • 故事发生在6500万年前。巨大的恐龙当时还是世界的霸主,它们横行于世,风头无量。一如远处冒着滚滚浓烟的火山,霸气而令人畏惧。在丛林深处,一头穿着上班族服装、打着黄色小雨伞的霸王龙突然出现。不过他可没有半点狰狞的气息,反而就如我们今天常见的上班族一样,衣冠楚楚、慌乱忙碌。远处传来了电话铃声,霸王龙大哥闻声匆匆赶了过去,跋山涉…
  • An ensemble film features three short episodes about teen romance and teen pregnancy. In all three, high school girls end up with accidental pregnancies, and deal with it in different ways. In one story, a couple gets pregnant after a beach weekend in Samet. In the second, a boxer and his girlfriend move in together af…