搜索 Moises

  • 欧美剧剧情
    The DEA is alarmed by the expansive growth of El Chapo's drug empire. Don Sol forges a new alliance to further his career.
  • 喜剧片
  • LaHijadelPacífico
    Carola is 16 and dreams of a higher education and a house by the sea, but lives with Pacifico, her father, in the middle of the Atacama Desert. Together with a small group of miners, they work the artisanal Cobra gold mine to survive. Father and daughter hide a treasure from the others: a vein of gold on which they sec…
  • Andy´s world changes completely when his mother has an accident.When there is no one to take care of him, the boy is carried to Cuernavaca to his paternal grandmother´s house. While her mother is debating between life and death, the child …
  • 在一个远离喧嚣都市、风景秀丽的山间小镇,人们过着宁静幸福的生活。阳光明媚的日子里,红发女孩正在晾衣服,这时一个男人走了过来,他操持着手中的铁丝,魔术般地变出了一只小狗,逗得女孩格外开心。他自称线先生,灵巧的双手能变幻出各种各样有趣的图形,夜晚,线先生在村庄中心制起幕布,利用灯影效果以及灵巧的编排讲述了一个又一个有趣好玩…
  • 没有亲密的性爱镜头 没有缠绵的拥抱和亲吻 只是一群人在诉说残忍被害的同志少年的故事:1998年10月6日,被认为是世外桃源的美国小镇Laramie,发生了一宗骇人听闻的惨案。21岁的Matthew Shepard被两名同样年轻的少年活活打死,只因他是同性恋。五名剧团的青年来到小镇,走访了镇上不同阶层的居民,影片以访谈的形式重现了当年的事件,从事件的源…
  • 塞巴斯蒂安是个活泼可爱、热爱海洋的孩子,却因脑瘤早早离开了世界。他的母亲露在痛失爱子后参加心里治疗小组,朋友、家人也尽力帮她走出阴影,不过这伤痛似乎永远无法治愈。露想要找到继续生活的动力,于是来到海边,坐上船去看鲸鱼,这是儿子的梦想,而她的梦想——带儿子去看鲸鱼却永远无法实现。导演简介: 曾在墨西哥城学习电影和作曲,并…
  • IgrejadePretosePardos