搜索 Montero

  • Héroes
    Entre los años 1830 y 1837 bajo los gobiernos de Ovalle y Prieto, un hombre sería nombrado ministro de Guerra y Marina, del Interior y Relaciones Exteriores, acumulando más poder que nadie en la nueva República que se formaba.Su nombre: Di…
  • 物理化学第四季
    El instituto madrileño Zurbarán recibe a los nuevos profesores, que tendrán que convivir con alumnos de todo tipo con problemas reales que ilustraran lo que pasa día a día, dónde tienen lugar situaciones relacionadas con el alcohol, las d…
  • 喜悲剧式的影片,关于一名46岁男人,总是为自己的肥胖、光头、矮小而自卑,直到他遇到了自己的新老板Enriquez先生,才发现世界上还有比自己更肥、更矮、更丑的人。
  • 剧情片
    Juan, a prison officer, silently observes the visit every Sunday of Berta, mother of one of the imates. The day he finally approaches her, he surprises himself by pretending to be another visiting father and inventing a daughter inside the jail: Josefina. The need to fill the vacuum of their lives prompts Juan and Bert…
  • 墨西哥城。生性孤独的侦探马丁内斯Martínez(赫苏斯·奥乔亚饰)被分配调查一宗非常不寻常的连环系列谋杀案。被杀的几名妓女的嘴角都挂着一种神秘莫测的微笑。验尸结果表明,死者身上没有任何器械伤,而且没有一丝受到暴力侵害的痕迹。马丁内斯在调查中注意到,她们的死因——性高潮窒息,非同寻常。为了进一步掌握案情,马丁内斯认为必须从人…
  • 第二次世界大战中的北非战场,美军上尉布鲁斯接受了特殊任务,带领小分队深入德军敌后炸毁敌人的汽油库。布鲁斯上尉带领两辆吉普穿越沙漠,一路上多次与敌人遭遇,但终于顺利到达目的地。布鲁斯上尉小分队全部换上德军军服,混入油库安放定时炸弹。不幸在安放炸弹完成时被发现,展开了一场枪战,小分队成员全部牺牲,德军油库亦被炸毁。
  • "Cilantro y perejil" is a comedy about couples from the same family, hit by the economic crisis in Mexico. The plot turns around the eternal question of whether it is worth it to live as a couple. The conclusions are fun, unpredictable and very human.
  • Great unknown Mexican movie from the Seventies. Carlos Enrique Taboada is to this day an underrated writer/director. He made some of the most interesting films of the Sixties and the Seventies. Some of them are failures, and some of them are great. He is best known for his horror movies including the classic "Hast…
  • 喜剧片
    Wonderfast is a leading delivery company all year round, except on Christmas. In order to destroy Santa, they manage to infiltrate Genny Catalano, "The King of the Box" or more likely “The King of the Hoax”…
  • 剧情片喜剧
    为了寻找亚瑟的踪迹,侠盗团夜袭齐天大厦,但结果却以失败告终。侠盗团4人由于触发警报被逼放弃任务,就在侠盗团重新整顿之时,齐公子的出现却让众人重新燃起了希望……齐公子告知叶天自己组织了一场群贼饕餮盛宴 - 百盗之局,希望通过较量挑选出群贼之首,胜者将获得丰厚奖赏。齐公子盛情邀请叶天带领侠盗团参加,但一向高傲的叶天完全不屑于…