- Juan, a prison officer, silently observes the visit every Sunday of Berta, mother of one of the imates. The day he finally approaches her, he surprises himself by pretending to be another visiting father and inventing a daughter inside the jail: Josefina. The need to fill the vacuum of their lives prompts Juan and Bert…
- Great unknown Mexican movie from the Seventies. Carlos Enrique Taboada is to this day an underrated writer/director. He made some of the most interesting films of the Sixties and the Seventies. Some of them are failures, and some of them are great. He is best known for his horror movies including the classic "Hast…
- 为了寻找亚瑟的踪迹,侠盗团夜袭齐天大厦,但结果却以失败告终。侠盗团4人由于触发警报被逼放弃任务,就在侠盗团重新整顿之时,齐公子的出现却让众人重新燃起了希望……齐公子告知叶天自己组织了一场群贼饕餮盛宴 - 百盗之局,希望通过较量挑选出群贼之首,胜者将获得丰厚奖赏。齐公子盛情邀请叶天带领侠盗团参加,但一向高傲的叶天完全不屑于…