搜索 Monwar

  • A group of young friends go hunting during their holidays near a small town in Texas, where the father of one of them own a piece of land. But the place has a legend. Years ago the grandfather stole the land from the Indians and they cursed the family. The curse is effective once every 10 years....
  • 23岁的女孩什姆在孟加拉国达卡的一家服装厂当纺织女工。作为女工,什姆和女同事们经常会遭受种种来自工作的不平等待遇,这让她萌生了改变这一切的想法。她发动工厂里有着同样不幸遭遇的女工们一道,创立了工会。在向工厂征求合法权益的同时,她不得不面对来自管理层的威胁和丈夫的极力反对。孤立无援的什姆选择逆风而行。女人们唯有自强才能找到…
  • 萨法
    In lower middle-class Bangladesh, a twenty-five-year-old woman, Safa, suffers from self-inflicted guilt over her paraplegic mother Shirin’s condition. Her mother was taking her to a music class when the accident took place that led to her …