搜索 Moritz

  • 剧情片剧情
    自從開始上天主教慕道課以來,恪守教義的少女瑪麗亞便遠離了流行文化,抵抗撒旦化身的種種誘惑。長大之後,嚴厲的母親仍以絕對威權的方式,約束她的生活起居與交友狀況。虔誠的瑪麗亞不但努力達到要求,為了讓罹患自閉症的弟弟能開口說話,她暗自做了一個危險的決定。\r\n  《少女的歧禱》以工整完美的形式,呼應片中角色的極端行徑。全片十四…
  • 朱利奥和托马斯第二季
  • 朱利奥和托马斯第一季
  • 压力第二季
    In der zweiten Staffel um die Mädels-Crew von Hanna, Mia, Kiki, Sam und Amira dreht sich alles um die Gefühlswelt der klugen Mia Winter. Sie ist eine selbstbewusste und feministische junge Frau, die in der harten Realität des Oberstufenall…
  • Rabo de Peixe is a village in the Azores that is home to the largest collection of artisanal fisheries on the whole archipelago. Joaquim Pinto and Nuno Leonel first came here at the end of 1998 to see in the New Year. After befriending a young fisherman named Pedro, they decided to make a film with him over the followi…
  • The searing psychological realism of the German painter Otto Dix (1891-1969) embodies the experience of Germany between the wars - its traumatized despair and violent decadence. While Dix is best known for his paintings and etchings from this period, which focus unflinchingly on the reality of war and on the world of p…
  • 在一次例行公务中,从警30年的卡普勒警官(49岁)出于自卫目的,第一次拿起手枪与疑犯对峙,命悬一线。当医生奋力抢救生命垂危的疑犯之际,卡普勒陷入了一种恐慌又绝望的境地——他在无意间或已成为杀人凶手。影片根据真实事件改编。
  • A poet explores his world, a small town on the Lower Rhine in the 1970s/80s, with words. His son, a filmmaker, now confronts the written words with contemporary images of that area that look like they come from the past. In this superimposition of ambiguous linguistic images with architectures, monuments, streets and p…
  • 正值二八年华的史黛菲正在毕业舞会上狂欢,她早已立定好完美的人生志向:成为警察;也满心期待着巴黎毕业旅行,不仅如此这次她还计画了这次要在浪漫之都与男友法比一起完成那件神圣的事-「破处」,她的人生正蓄势待发,准备迎向下一个美好的里程碑。没想到就在毕旅前的一次健康检查,史黛菲被检测出患有小细胞支气管癌末期,医师评估她最多只能…