搜索 Mory

  • 故事背景设定在1980年代的冷战时期。谢菲尔德,作为皇家空军基地的所在地,以及重要的钢铁、能源和化工生产基地,扮演着战略和经济的重要角色。故事的主人公是露丝和吉米,两人正忙于准备他们的婚礼和迎接即将出生的第一个孩子。在这个重要的人生阶段,他们像大多数谢菲尔德的居民一样,忙于日常生活,对远在伊朗发生的国际政治动荡关注不多。然…
  • 索比是斯科普里一家动物园的园长,一只黑猩猩可可居住在这家动物园。可可为寻求自由,从动物园中逃脱。因为经济不景气和贫困,索比被动物园开除。但动物园也承诺他,只要索比能追踪并找回可可,就能重回工作岗位。而在这个凄惨破败、处于过渡阶段的国家,逃跑的黑猩猩引起了媒体的轰动。可可成了反抗、追求自由的象征和从普遍混乱状态的循环中挣…
  • Savage Memory uses the controversies surrounding the legacy of the founding father of British Anthropology to explore powerful questions surrounding history and the ways in which it is created; memory and it's fluidity; and the imprints of the spirits of the dead. Told through the lens of Malinowski's great grandson, t…
  • 恐怖片恐怖
    电视剧《油菜花香》是一部以上个世纪七十 年代为背景,讲述一个农村女性敢于和命运抗争 ,通过自强不息的努力,最终收获事业和亲情的农村年代剧。  通过上饶地区农村女人周英的坎坷而抗争的 人生历程,展示了中国底层女性质朴、拼搏的秉 性与命运。剧情从四个大方向讲述了自上世纪七 十年代周英的婚婚恋史。少女时代的周英经历了 初恋失败、梦…
  • 战争片剧情
  • 剧情片动画
  • Aby Warburg, (1866-1929), an art historian of startling originality, came from the renowned Warburg banking family of Hamburg, Germany. Already in his teens, the first of seven children, he made a deal with his next oldest brother, to forfeit his birth right to take over the family bank in exchange for full financial s…
  • Tongues on Fire is a remarkable musical homage to an American organization that achieved national and international impact from the mid-1960s into the 1970s. In a sublime example of one type of expression motivating another, the graphic art of Black Panther Minister of Culture Emory Douglas, whose work became an iconic…