- 还记得去年的真人實境L影集 The Real L WordTRLW 真人秀节目吗?。 主要是介绍拉拉生活的真人秀节目,现在第二季中文字幕都完结了,第二季会不会比第一季更精彩?还是一样狗血一样吐槽无力?http://t.cn/angJNXsho 2 debuted on June 5, 2011.Showtime revealed in a sneak peek video on April 25, 2…
- Family Brandt has lost its fortune in oil speculation, and they have great debts at the local bank. This one is threatened with its own crash due to lack of money. The only hope is Brandt's uncle Thomas Hoffman, an American millionaire, who is coming for a visit. Bank Accountant Schmidt uses his own money to welcome hi…
- 从匈牙利回来的约瑟芬一切都过得很顺利,她买下了一家收益不错的妓院开始经营。一天,警察将她抓去监狱,两位看守勾引她和他们乱搞,随后又将她和一群街头流莺关在一起。三个男囚贿赂了看守,和三个被关的街头流莺搞上,本来无动于衷的约瑟芬也忍不住加入其中。其中一个叫波尔迪的男人贿赂了法官,将他和约瑟芬一起释放。波尔迪带她到他的朋友法…