搜索 Mott

  • A smart satire that sports a wicked streak of goofball humor, DESTINATION: PLANET NEGRO! has the feel of low-budget 1950s sci-fi, as leaders including W.E.B. DuBois and George Washington Carver kick off a secret plot to solve the “Negro Problem” by way of a rocket ship to Mars. Carrying a crew of three, the spacecraft …
  • 海外剧剧情
    The story concerns the Waterbury family who move to "Three Chimneys", a house near the railway after the father, who works at the Foreign office, is imprisoned as a result of being falsely accused of selling state secrets to the Russians. The three children, Roberta (Bobbie), Peter and Phyllis, find amusement…
  • 维多利亚时代的厨房
    Television series recreating the workings of a country house head cook.
  • Lindsay gets suspicious when Rebecca seems to be secretly awaiting an important letter - and realizes just how much she was right when the letter finally arrives. Ellenor gets a hysterical call from a client, who ran over a man in the street while drunk, and is shocked to discover exactly who he hit. Hellen prosecutes …
  • 动漫生活
    结城梨斗(渡边明乃 配音)尽管沉默寡言,但拥有一颗温柔善良的内心。内向的他暗恋名叫西连寺春菜(矢作纱友里 配音)的女孩,然而,他选择了把真挚的感情藏在心底,只是偷偷看着她已解相思之苦。终于,梨斗再也无法抑制内心的感情,他鼓起勇气,决定向春菜告白,然而,一连串意外的发生让他的告白对象变成了名为菈菈(户松遥 配音)的女子,更…
  • 日本剧爱情
    原小樽刑警渡诚一郎(三浦友和 饰)退休未久急诊断患有绝症,去日无多的他念念不忘十年前一起悬而未决的案件。当年小樽海域捞起一具女性骨架,除了死者身上佩戴的铁炮百合饰物外别无其他线索。诚一郎偶然从电视得知该饰物的制作者,于是在女刑警早乙女薰(小西真奈美 饰)的监视下启程前往东京调查。与此同时,建筑界的新锐桐生晴之(伊藤英明 …
  • 迪拜终极机场第一季
    Less than 55 years ago, Dubai International Airport was a vast desert of sand. But today, it is a modern mecca of international air travel. With 344,000 flights, 57 million passengers and 2 million tons of cargo flying in and out each year, it is the world’s third busiest airport for international passengers. National …
  • 欧美剧
    故事描述一个普通家庭卷入一场巨大的政治阴谋——这起事件不仅改变了这家人的命运,也影响到国家安全。艾美奖得主Toni Collette(《塔拉合众国》)在该剧中扮演主人公Ellen,一个事业成功的华盛顿外科医生。美国政府挑选她为患病的总统实施手术,但她的家人突然遭到绑架,她意识到一场巨大的政治阴谋已经降临到自己头上。现在她必须小心考虑自己…
  • 家有阿福第一季
  • 故事围绕Miguel和Lindsy的爱情展开,两人和普通人最大的区别就是脑子里都存在别的声音,这点不同也是二人爱情的开始。