- In the city of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil, the Biscoito de Polvilho, made out of Casava, is the background that connects our characters into a self portrait of the city and it changes.
- A spotted egg is screened, so we can see a blurred shape inside. The shape begins to move. It bounces against the egg shell. Some of the egg shell spots are transformed to eyes and a mouth. We see the egg's face react on the movement inside. The egg tries to defend itself from being broken by the growing and more and m…
- Após uma tragédia familiar, Dora (Bianca Byington) e sua filha Júlia (Raquel Bonfante) começam a viver outra vez, aprendendo a lidar com a dor. Morando numa cidade no litoral do Rio de Janeiro, elas acompanham a Folia de Reis, com músicos…
- Villains was a British anthology series of thirteen standalone plays first shown in 1972. These plays could be seen as pieces in a patchwork, each having its own particular identity but all joining together to give an overall picture. …
- A political and existential narrative, Luz nas trevas - A volta do bandido da Luz Vermelha continues the story of Luz Vermelha, a legendary bandit from Sao Paulo through the figure of his son - the outlaw Tudo ou Nada (All or Nothing). Worshipped by women, the cut-rate Don Juan commits robbery in order to enjoy materia…