- http://rapidshare.com/files/158689992/The_Wednesday_Play_-_Up_the_Junction__Ken_Loach__1965_.mp4.001http://rapidshare.com/files/158690949/The_Wednesday_Play_-_Up_the_Junction__Ken_Loach__1965_.mp4.002http://rapidshare.com/files/158691376/The_Wednesday_Play_-_Up_the_Junction__Ken_Loach__1965_.mp4.003
- Writer/director Terence McKenna and producer Stephen Phizicky have crafted a riveting film that recalls the bleak fall of 1970 when a foreign diplomat was kidnapped, when a Canadian politician was kidnapped and murdered, when the War Measures Act was declared and when the streets of Montreal were filled with armed sold…
- Kritschgau指出Mulder现在的情况是因为曾感染黑油,飞船碎片的出现激活了黑油发生作用。CSM知道Mulder现在是继Spender的母亲之后又一例成功alien/人类混种,而且是更加稳定无排斥的品种。他带走Mulder,实施手术移植他的脑部遗传物质到自己身上。Mulder一直在做梦,梦中他在CSM的诱惑下经历了完全不同的人生。
- It is a very hot summer in the city as the well known detectives of the 87th Precinct investigate serial rapes and a mysterious homicide (which do not appear to be connected). The women getting raped appear to be raped by a rapist who has raped them earlier and who was not caught. Detective Eileen Burke, who is working…