- 爱情之于生命,是鲜活的热血自由奔腾,还是海市蜃楼无异饮鸩止渴?列夫•托尔斯泰家喻户晓的文学巨著《安娜•卡列尼娜》在一次完美的音乐剧改编中,再度燃起观众的热情。有着92年历史的莫斯科轻歌剧院(The Moscow Operetta Theatre)以一部大胆的《安娜•卡列尼娜》站到了俄罗斯音乐剧的最前线,重写俄罗斯音乐剧票房历史。 罗曼•伊格纳…
- André Rößler’s documentary takes us on a video journey through time back to the 80s! Back then, cult video stores and VHS were still important and terms like “late fees” made us break out in sweat. This film is a humorous tribute to rip-…
- An entomophobic filmmaker faces her fears through a series of epeditions and encounters with a Hungarian neurologist obsessed with beetles. Curious about what his passion for insects can teach her, director Mariana Castiñeiras perfectly pins the thrill of discovery. Why do desire and fear fade once conquered? How do co…