- Filmed in Amazonas in 2021, on Estrada Fantasma BR-319, Transamazônica BR-230 and in the real city of Realidade, “Curupira and the Machine of Destiny” documents the encounter in the present time between a curupira and the incarnate ghost …
- Janaína Nagata’s first feature film and was produced from a chance in 16mm found by chance, with impressive images of South Africa at the time of apartheid.
- 风和日丽的一天,铃木财团巨资营建的铃木塔举行了盛大的开幕典礼。柯南(高山南 配音)和好朋友们自然受邀参观。谁知一名游客突然被远处建筑发射来的子弹狙击身亡,柯南锁定凶手果断展开追击,然而对方胆大非常,公然炸毁拦截他的警车,在重重包围中脱身而去。在此之后,FBI和日本警方组成联合调查总部,经朱蒂?斯泰琳(一城美由希 配音)介绍得…
- A semi-retired special ops assassin and a DEA agent cross paths on separate missions to stop a cyber terrorist organization that has built a dangerous machine threatening to attack the power grid and bring catastrophe to the world.