- On a cold December day in 2017, the bodies of Multi-Billionaire power couple, Barry and Honey Sherman, are found cruelly and bizarrely posed in the basement of their Toronto mansion. The case immediately becomes headline news attracting global interest. More than five years later, no suspects have been named, no arrest…
- 少年海洋学校学生千浪和燕子在一次驾船航行中遭遇龙卷风。坠海时他们发现一个青花瓷笔洗,透过笔洗中的雨水,千浪和燕子看到一支装载27000人且装备精良的船队,率领这支船队的正是七下西洋的明朝航海家——郑和。千浪和燕子借助青花笔洗穿越时空,见证了郑和航海过程中的一段段惊险的历程……