搜索 Nandi

  • 23岁的女孩什姆在孟加拉国达卡的一家服装厂当纺织女工。作为女工,什姆和女同事们经常会遭受种种来自工作的不平等待遇,这让她萌生了改变这一切的想法。她发动工厂里有着同样不幸遭遇的女工们一道,创立了工会。在向工厂征求合法权益的同时,她不得不面对来自管理层的威胁和丈夫的极力反对。孤立无援的什姆选择逆风而行。女人们唯有自强才能找到…
  • Vasu "Nithin" is a well-educated youth who belongs to a joint family. He falls in love with Sri and confronts her father "Prakash Raj" about his love. On the other hand, Sri's father is a rich businessman who does not believe in old-school formalities of marriage and traditions. Rest of the story is…
  • 正值妙龄的Swati(萨曼莎·鲁斯·帕布饰)拥有令人闻之即醉的歌声,一次在外演唱 时被音乐制作人Vikram发现,后参加当地的歌唱比赛一举成名,但是年轻貌美的 Swati总是会做出一些不符年龄的举动:岔开腿坐着、教训年轻人、说自己早已结婚 生子、抠脚、指导人做菜……种种怪异的举动背后,实则隐藏着一个巨大的秘密。
  • 剧情片
  • 血色遗产
  • 剧情片剧情
    A man's long battle to save his comatose father is met with financial obstacles, and with his family suggesting euthanasia as the best possible option. What will he do?
  • 恐怖片
    A young apprentice healer tries to suppress his supernatural abilities so he can fit in with the other kids, but when a malicious spirit breaks out in his apartment he decides to use his abilities while dark family secrets are revealed.
  • 欧美剧冒险
  • L'argent, la liberté, une histoire du Franc CFA
    The former French colonies in Central and West Africa have been independent since 1960, but most of these countries still use the currency of the former oppressor: the CFA franc. It was linked to the French franc when it was introduced, so the national bank in Paris controlled monetary policy. Now the currency has a fi…
  • Spirit of the Forest