搜索 Napo

  • 剧情片
    It's 1939 in Siam. The Japanese are threatening invasion and the Free Thai movement is gaining momentum. Angsumalin, the beautiful daughter of a military leader, says good-bye to her friend Vanus, who is going to England to study. She won't promise to marry him, but will give him an answer when he returns. The Japanese…
  • 早期的巫毒纪录片,在世界各地拍摄,有非洲土著,南美安第斯,巴西亚马逊等地的实景。http://www.moviegoods.com/movie_poster/green_magic_1955.htmDisturbing voodoo documentary. remember seeing the pain on the theatre manager's face as some disturbing animal sacrifice…
  • 这部影片是基于Momrajawong Kukrit Pramoj的同名小说改编,94年向世界各地发行后,被认定是剽窃之作。这部小说多处情节抄袭John Wyndham的小说《Midwich镇的杜鹃》(The Midwich Cuckoos),后者早在1960年就被拍成电影《Village of the Damned》并在1995年进行了重拍。在泰国的传统节日——水灯节(Loy Kratong)这天,Bang…
  • 成年人的生活可能会很艰难。有时候一切都顺风顺水,而另外一些时候,你只是躲在大衣里的孩子,希望谁也不会注意到你。Gia在她21岁生日的晚上发现自己恰好处于这种境地。这是一个有关成年人的不安全感,以及如何装模作样直到取得成功的故事……
  • 恐怖片恐怖
  • 兩男兩女,四個年輕的莫斯科人前往阿爾泰泛舟。但片中主角在這與世隔絕的地方完全無法放鬆享受,反而是必須為生存而戰鬥。他們在河邊遇到一群“運動員”並尋求協助,結果反而變成犯罪組織所劫持的人質。
  • Women’s bodies are always at risk. An autopsy report describes the physical impact on the body that results in death but hides the structural and recurrent violence on women’s bodies that leads to femicide. Through archival film footage, a…
  • Vasu "Nithin" is a well-educated youth who belongs to a joint family. He falls in love with Sri and confronts her father "Prakash Raj" about his love. On the other hand, Sri's father is a rich businessman who does not believe in old-school formalities of marriage and traditions. Rest of the story is…
  • 乌克兰东部的顿巴斯,昔日曾是苏联工业重镇,如今则成了超大型的战争片场。前一秒还在梳妆打扮、谈笑排演,下一秒已是怵目惊心、满目疮痍的爆炸血案。是政府一手导演的戏码?还是战争的日常?斯拉夫黑暗大陆,黑心贪官在医院和难民收容所狐假虎威、中伤抹黑,国难财一起发,样板戏齐套招,邪恶样样都来,就是没有人为子弹流泪。 改编自2014 至…
  • 恐怖片恐怖