- 林越穿越到了鸿蒙大陆,却又被困在同一天整整十万年。无论他如何挣扎,天亮后都会回到昨天。十万年间,林越学会了所有的知识,了解无数宗门强者的秘密,也渐渐认命自己逃不出轮回了。然而,就在十万年的最后一天,林越夺走七业魔皇的未婚妻,砍断太上长老之子的手臂,闯下大祸之后,却发现新的一天为他打开了。
- Portia, a wealthy heiress of Belmont, is forced to set her suitors a challenge. The winner will win her hand in marriage; the losers will lose her hand and much more. In Venice, the epicentre of consumption, speculation and debt, Bassanio borrows money from his friend Antonio to finance his attempt. Antonio, in turn, t…
- In 2015, Jeff Berwick, a Canadian entrepreneur turned provocateur, launched a conference in Acapulco, Mexico in hopes of promoting anarchy in its purest form – an ideal espousing the absence of government with absolute individual self-rule…
- 在这个新栏目中,里克·斯坦向观众们展示了他所理解和喜爱的家乡康沃尔郡:它是英国群岛的一个独特部分,拥有强高度身份认同感的当地居民,背靠来源于凯尔特人文化的历史。 凭借着他天生的好奇心,里克分享了一条鲜有人知晓的路来解读这个别样国度自己的美食、历史、音乐、艺术与文化。 In this new series Rick Stein reveals th…