- Franz, a young man, works in a dye factory in Prague. One day he notices a skin-rash, like eczema, growing on his hands. All attempts to treat it with ointment fail, and the rash gradually spreads over his body. After complaining to the management he is laid off work; his relationship with his fiancee is affected. In a…
- 1941年,年仅25岁的英国斯特林上尉奉命在北非建立一支特种部队。当时的报纸这样介绍他们:特别空勤团(简称SAS)是英国军队的无名英雄。他们的口号是:“保密”!这支部队历史上战绩骄人。二战期间,他们在纳粹非洲军团的后方进行暗杀、破袭和营救盟军战俘的行动,在1年半的时间里,成功地炸毁了德国空军的250架飞机和数十个弹药库。战后,SA…