搜索 Nemo

  • Jim captains the crew of the "Dakota Zephyr," a B-24 bomber engaged in attacking Germany during the autumn of 1944. The young American pilot is halfway through a treacherous 35 mission tour and has his next target in sight - the heavily defended rail yards of Vienna, Austria. The pilot is guiding his squadron…
  • Chantel is happy: her son's away at school playing soccer, she and her husband get along, her neighbor Agnès is her best friend, and her job at a government office is easy. When her husband is laid off and she wonders for how long, her off…
  • 恐怖片
    迪克(托马斯·杰恩 Thomas Jane 饰)和吉娜(劳伦·泽曼 Lauren German 饰)是一对新婚夫妇,他们驾车沿着州际公路前往塞多纳,尽情享受这趟蜜月之旅。夜幕降临,迪克不知不觉间偏离了原来的95号公路,所谓春宵一刻值千金,这对夫妇似乎并不太在意迷路这件事,反而尽享欲望和速度所带来的双重快感。当激情过后,却有一个全身是血的男人(康·谢…
  • A young boy imagines being in a tale he's about to hear. In this magical world he encounters many famous characters from other tales, aliens and other beings and, of course, a beautiful princess.
  • Lola, 18 years old, bleach blonde hair, lives in a foster home with Samir, her only friend. Impulsive and lonely, she is trying to get her diploma as a veterinary assistant. When her mother passes away, her father Phillip makes sure that Lola will miss the ceremony. Two years before that, Philip was throwing her out of…
  • 第二次世界大战期间在黑海地区的一次海上战斗。苏联士兵追击敌人的潜艇.
  • 喜剧片
    "巴图克自称是最幸运的父亲,因为自己有三个美丽的女儿甘达,嘉娜、莎拉。然而他却不希望女儿们结婚,理由是家族里的女性结婚后都过得很不幸福。女儿们表面上答应父亲要保持单身,而实际上三人各自都有了心爱的人。 由于不得已的“苦衷”,小伙子们要分别扮成“瘸子”、“瞎子”、“哑巴”出现在岳父面前。一方面不能被识破,另一方面还要…
  • 石川達三の同名小説を猪俣勝人が脚色し千葉泰樹が監督。現代社会に絶望したサラリーマンが、異常な精神で悪徳の世界に溺れていく様を描く。東亜製鋼に勤務する中根は、妻と生まれたばかりの娘と暮らす平凡なサラリーマンだった。しかし裏では密かに他人を操ることに楽しみを見出しており、一緒に競馬に行った同僚から金をくすねたりしていた。中…