搜索 Nils

  • 动作片
  • Is the fjord witch just a legend or could it be that Satan's bride lives within the woods of Grytefjord? Does Tordenskjold find himself or perhaps somebody completely else? Who would win a fight between Jesus and Harry potter? These and several other questions gets answered in Kurt Josef Wagle's lost videotapes...
  • A mini-sequel to German director Alexander Kluge's 1968 Golden Lion winner Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed, The Indomitable Leni Peickert continues the slice-of-life tale of down-on-her-luck Peickert (Hannelore Hoger), who in that earlier film (many will remember) made the mistake of investing in a "socially …
  • 喜剧片穿越
    根据同名短片改编,原导演、主演大卫·桑德伯格和大卫·哈塞尔霍夫回归执导、参演。设定在1985年的美国迈阿密,史上最棒的警察龚怒和他的Thundercops保卫着当地,对抗反派“Kung Fuhrer”,阿道夫·希特勒。但一个Thundercop的惨烈死亡引起了组织解体,一个神秘的反派也半途杀出,帮助Fuhrer寻求终极武器。龚怒必须穿越时间和空间,来保护他的朋…
  • Adam and Eva have been married for four years. But the romance has disappeared from their relationship and has been replaced by boredom and old routine. When Adam meets his brother's baby-sitter, Jackie, he is immediately attracted to her. They have an affair, but Adam tell himself that they are only friends. However, …
  • 纪录片
    An iconic artist at an iconic location. This concert film captures several mesmerizing live performances from the renowned German composer and producer Nils Frahm at the legendary Funkhaus Berlin. Expect soaring ambient and neo-classical piano from one of the greatest contemporary musicians around.
  • 恐怖片生活
  • 《神的摔角手》是一部情节跌宕起伏的电影,讲述的是一名摔跤手从认识到自己的人生目标到努力实现人生目标的成长故事。故事以体育运动为题材,叙事方法扣人心弦,动作和戏剧性构成了这部电影的亮点。