- Follows two women detectives who get entangled in a web of ambition, corruption, and ruthless conspiracy in the highly coveted city of Beverly Hills.
- Wagner Group mercenaries contracted to fight Russia’s proxy wars have never been prosecuted for suspected human rights violations—until now. In this chilling expose, journalists crack open secret killings and Kremlin collusion that have ke…
- Broken by a tragic loss, a young man turns to a fight club to battle his inner devil through physical violence, but he risks losing himself in the process.
- In the aftermath of a death, a home is cleaned out; the accumulation of a life is removed in bags and recycle bins. But what becomes of the collection of books? Laura Rantanen’s resoundingly moving and wistful documentary reflects on the end of life, what lingers behind, and the moments when a book breaks through the m…
- "TheOneHundred"tellsthestoryofayoungwomanwhohasjustreturnedfromaforeigncountry.Shehastostayatahoteltoquarantine,butthensuddenlycomesacrossamonsterthatcanchangeitsshapeinavarietyofways,accordingtotheindividualthatthismonsterpossesses.TheconceptofthestorywasinspiredbythestoryofBattambangwhichwastoldduringtherei…
- 子不语怪力乱神任何奇案背后都隐藏着一套“拼图” 破案如解谜自闭症患者 阿斯特丽德 vs 热血女警探 拉斐尔 因缘际会组成一对神探搭档 屡破奇案~一桩桩案件背后同样是一张张人性的面孔二人的关系就宛如命定之钥和锁孔很期待第二季二人之间的感情发展~
- The story takes us to a small and quiet town to which the Féral family are moving while doing everything they can to appear normal. Their son Philémon, a gentle and introverted 17-year-old, suffers from a strange condition which he must co…