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  • 纪录片关于上世纪60年代拉美革命运动中的传奇人物 - 卡米洛·托雷斯(Camilo Torres),哥伦比亚神父,后投身于轰轰烈烈的人民武装斗争中去成为游击队员,1966年不幸被害,但其所建立的“解放神学”思想却已经在拉美各国生根发芽并延续至今,成为拉美左翼思潮中的重要一支。一九六六年二月十五日,参加哥伦比亚反抗军游击队的神甫卡米罗 托瑞斯…
  • A cautionary tale about the myriad shades and shapes of totalitarianism in an irreverent, surreal 1960s mix of styles featuring acerbic Austrian cabaret icon Helmut Qualtinger speaking in tongues. An exemplary, at the time widely lauded work of West German animation in a splendid new restoration.Hal CLAY (1927, USA − 2…
  • 17世纪的芬兰遍地饥民,穷小子乌塔莫偶然获得一枚土豆,从此开启了他的创业之路。这是活跃于电视圈的芬兰导演乔纳·特纳的最新喜剧片。他非常擅长抓住类型片的娱乐精髓,将集资、品牌、众筹等现代商业和市场营销的套路,以戏谑的方式融入17世纪初欧洲资本主义刚刚萌芽阶段的故事背景。
  • Sargad is about a young woman, Elina, that drives to a cabin with her mom and younger sister to spread her dad's ashes. They encounter three brothers that will make their weekend a living hell.
  • She wanted to change her life, She changed her mind instead她原本想改变自己的生活,却改变了她的心灵...故事讲述两个画家之间原本关系紧张的婚姻被丈夫的裸体模特搅的一塌糊涂,加上丈夫肆无忌惮的挑衅,最终唤醒妻子性与心灵的觉醒.在这三个人的微妙关系与诱惑的游戏中,他们面对欲望和挫折,并且时刻威胁着甚至可能摧毁他们的生活.
  • 爱尔兰男孩基根和西班牙女孩莫雅一同来到大角鹿的神话世界,在那里他们学会了欣赏大河之舞,以及借由舞蹈赞美生命。该片改编自全球顶级演出,由格莱美奖得主比尔·惠兰编写最新音乐。
  • 剧情片
  • 赖瑞•鲍尔斯(Jay Klaitz 杰•克莱茨 饰)和珍妮(Laura Nordin 劳拉•诺丁 饰)是一对年轻夫妇,然而他们的婚姻却出现危机,两人皆感到爱情的索然无味。为了挽救濒临死亡的婚姻,他们希望通过角色扮演来寻求刺激。珍妮将自己扮作神奇女侠,胖胖的赖瑞则穿上蝙蝠侠的服装。正当他们准备渡过激情之夜时,房屋中介(Sondra James 饰…
  • Anton is 10 years old. Anton's father was a jet fighter pilot who died in an accident. Anton's mother told Anton that his father is flying angels around in heaven. Anton is obsessed with aeroplanes (his bedroom is full of models and posters) and is (re-)building a full-size aeroplane in the Garage. He plans to use this…
  • 欧美剧
    An unscrupulous ambulance-chasing lawyer gets stuck in a strange town for moving violations, and soon learns that the punishment for even petty crimes in the town comes with a gruesome result.