- Bruno Salvati is a director of little success, fresh from the separation from his wife Anna with whom he had two children, the twenty-year-old Adele and the seventeen-year-old Tito. Following a sudden illness, Bruno is diagnosed with a disease that requires the intervention of a donor. All his family relationships are …
- 柬埔寨,被屠杀的摇滚 因摇滚乐而获罪,我想 史上最为著名的当然是宇宙塑胶人。1976年此乐团吸引了一个忠实的粉丝,那时候该歌迷还是剧作家,他的文集要到很多年才传到我们手里。不久后,这帮坏小子被投进大牢,事实上他们的音乐完全无关政治 ——原因只是吸毒酗酒聚众滥交以及乐器分贝过高这些所谓的摇滚生活罢了。刑期并不长,几个月到一两年…
- 多年前在地震中失去了妻儿的沙基布,是一个无家可归的工人。几年前,一位聋哑妇女拉丹走进他的生活中,让他慢慢从阴影中走了出来。沙基布现在工作所在的建筑工地是一部电影的取景地。为了参演这部电影,他不顾一切代价寻求机会并得到了一个角色。拉丹知道这件事后,来到了沙基布的工作场所乞求庇护。然而,拉丹的到来却很可能毁掉他这个千载难逢…
- Accompanying his father and stepmother to a luxurious resort for a combination of business trip and family holiday, an 11-year-old boy becomes a witness to events that could change his life, in this precise and powerful drama by Colombia’s Duván Duque Vargas.