搜索 Néstor

  • A passionate documentary by the late Nestor Almendros about the "Cuban Revolution" going wrong, while "nobody listened." Even the U.S.A., 90 miles away from Cuba, did much to stop it's own increasing human rights and other abuses. |
  • She's back - the lovable little elf who sleeps in a matchbox on the artist's desk: and of course her playmates, too, the comical mouse couple Fredrik and Ingolf. The trio are moving into the city. It's a mjor step for Circleen and the mice, and one which has its pros and cons. The city is a dangerous place, but it also…
  • Waylon and Buddy decide to join the army as it appears to be their best option. But when they realize that they are part of a group that have been thrown into a medical experiment facility with a doctor who plans on turning them into ultimate killing machines, they must fight to destroy his other creations and save the…
  • When a Bolivian Indian travels to town to sell his produce, a half-caste who usually buys his goods visits the man's hut. He finds the man's wife alone and he is miffed when the husband is not there. After she explains that the town market will pay for the goods, the half-caste lusts after the wife and attacks her afte…
  • 复活节前夕,各大学相继放假,大学一年级新生马克回家探亲;马克的爸爸妈妈更是非常兴奋因为儿子带了他的新女朋友苏菲一起回来。另外马克的朋友瑞塔,培都和奥都也到马克家参加庆祝活动。当爸爸妈妈见到苏菲的进候,他们非常高兴苏菲是那么的美丽迷人,可同时他们又感到一丝不安。因为苏菲有着天生的性感而且她还有一个爱追问陌生人非常私人的问…
  • 在一个漆黑的音乐厅里,主持人向大家介绍,你即将看到的作品将是一部让你过目难忘的作品,作品的奇特之处在于导演充分发挥想象力,将古典乐结合动画进行表演,从独特的视角诠释了德彪西等作曲家六段经典音乐。作品无论在创意、想象力还是表现的深度和多样性上,都超过迪士尼1940年出品的《幻想曲》。德布西的《牧神的午后》 ,描写老牧师憧憬年…
  • 硕大的包裹,便签上写着“祝唐老鸭13号星期五快乐,他那美洲的朋友”。唐老鸭见此非常快乐,连忙拆开礼物。里面是一整套放映设备以及录影带。他安装完毕,静下心观看,哈维博士为他讲述了3个禽类亲戚的故事:《怕冷的企鹅》住在南极的企鹅巴比极度怕冷,暖炉是他最爱的伙伴。为了寻找温暖,他开始了一段伟大航程;《高卓小飞骡》乌拉圭宁静早晨…