搜索 Ohl

  • Low Lights - is a story of people trapped by the routine of acity life, longing of closeness, romance and heartiness. Made-up night driving ritualsprovoke to create a new universe, the banal and familiar maze of streets re-emergeswith fresh unworn sensations, warm and human. Their night journey is short as a blinkof an…
  • Ulla lives alone on a rugged forest island in the Stockholm Archipelago. Three days pass. "The wind bloweth where it listeth."
  • The thirteen-year-old Daniel lives with his parents in Berlin. During the summer holidays, the parents decide to take Daniel on an adventure holiday in the countryside. Here he meets the saucy girl Lucie and her brothers. This acquaintance brings him thrilling experiences. His desire for a vacation full of adventure se…
  • Aged just 14, Solymosi Eszter vanished without a trace after having been sent on an errand on April 1, 1882. Soon, a rumour started to make the rounds in the village of Tiszaeszlár: a blood libel that Jews had killed the Christian servant girl. Paranoia grew when, more than two months later, the body of a drowned girl …
  • 德高望重的心脏病专家伊万因医院关闭提早退休,本想告老还乡继续行医,可田园诗般的村庄生活并不像其预想中那么平静轻松。匈牙利国宝级导演伊斯特凡·萨博82岁高龄执导的这部新作,尽显其辛辣讽刺的黑色幽默深厚功力,通过家乡小镇村民啼笑皆非的医疗保健日常生活,触及欧盟医疗变革、新旧冲突等社会万象,并以独具匈牙利特色的歌剧、童声唱诗班…
  • 十三岁的Nelly在罗马尼亚度假时发现她家人要搬到罗马尼亚的秘密计划。于是她采取逃跑的措施来避免要定居在罗马尼亚的事实,但她直接走到了绑架者的手中,绑架者的头目是一位德国工程师,工程师通过迫使当地人离开家乡来催婚Nelly父亲所接手的一个能源项目。Nelly的父母在神秘的Holzinger先生的帮助下寻找Nelly,Nelly也在两个小男孩的帮助下…
  • In 2010 a scandal at the Odenwaldschule, arguably the most renowned boarding school in Germany, created a media storm. Not only were there the revelations that generations of children had been systematically abused for over three decades but it also became clear that when two former victims came forward in 1999 saying …
  • At the Vietnamese hotel Hôi An, the hotel manager Markus Winter makes the acquaintance of the charming Nora. He is only too pleased to give her a tour of the country’s exotic beauty, all the while remaining unaware of her true intentions –…
  • 《诡异占卜》讲述的是一对普通情侣被黑帮盯上,陷入巨大阴谋中的故事.主人公是一位前台小姐,在得罪一位没有礼貌的客人后她的生活发生了改变,神秘女占卜师出现在她的生活中并影响了她和男朋友的世界,最终这对情侣能否回到正常生活中呢?