- Um das Rätsel zu lösen, bricht Tobi zur abenteuerlichsten Reise seines Lebens auf. Sie führt ihn an den Schlund eines brodelnden Vulkans mitten im Pazifik, tief in die Unterwasserwelt Tasmaniens, durch die Eiswüste Grönlands, bis in den G…
- This low-budget Asian-set adventure concerns The reformed smuggler Stuart Allison finds his missing wife Marion in Hong Kong. Marion has fallen in with a bad crowd and is involved with narcotics and stolen government bonds, requiring Stuart to extricate her from her woes.
- Chant of Hybris is a short film in form of a music video for the eponymous song by the Austrian Death/Black metal band Theotoxin. Through radical and disjointed sequences, it tells a nihilistic and devilish story of blasphemy, fear and disgust, in elegant and artistic but equally as disturbing and brutal black and whit…
- 故事从主人公·月山浩史(伊藤淳史)与一个“秘密俱乐部”的相遇开始。那间俱乐部里聚集了大量喜欢《周刊少年JUMP》的人。在这间秘密俱乐部里,大人们互相谈论着JUMP出身的有名漫画、热门篇章、喜欢的角色等等,主人公在与这些怀抱烦恼与纠葛生活着的人们相处的过程中渐渐改变……最终,憧憬英雄的主人公月山成功觉醒,其他成员也开始觉醒,而地…