- A dimly lit, scarcely furnished flat, the hissing and buzzing of an open microphone. What follows is an argument in Arabic between mother and son. She complains about his lethargy. He sees no point in school while the country is at war. At last, the boy sets out through the busy streets of his neighbourhood which is a …
- When Aurora pitches in to help her busy real estate mother, Aida, she quickly realizes she has again walked into a life or death situation. When a body is discovered at her first house showing and a second body is found in another house for sale, it becomes obvious that there is a very cool killer at large.
- The First World War - carnage on a scale never-before seen. But how did it all start? And how did some key figures of WWII fare in the earlier war? In three episodes we trace their careers back to the battlefields of WWI, including Adolf Hitler, Bernard L. Montgomery, Hermann Goering, Charles de Gaulle, George S. Patto…
- Len Goodman takes to the dance floor to discover the golden age of ballroom, as the head judge of Strictly Come Dancing recalls the time when Britain went ballroom barmy.In the early 20th century millions enjoyed dancing. Graceful movement was everything as we grappled with the waltz, the tango and each other. Len also…