- Hugo is just like everyone else, with the small difference that he just does a lot of weird things all day long.
- 名字里到底隐含了什么秘密?是谋杀?曼斯特此次要处理的是一件女子在家被掐致死的案件。奇怪的是他去到案发现场的时候,凶手也还没开。在凶手逃跑之际,他们发现凶手故意留给自己的一本绝版书。当另一个无辜人士受害之后,范维特伦找到了这名连环杀手的作案规律。原来,他是每次杀害了一个人就给他按照19世纪犯罪小说中的主角的名字重新命名。 …
- White Water Fury is a thriller about four young men whose lives are irrevocably changed when a white-water canoeing trip on the river Kalix ends with a mysterious disappearance.The film tells the story of four friends; Lukas, Simon, Anders and John. Lukas and Simon are brothers and sons of Åke, a building contractor in…