搜索 Orlov

  • 动漫冒险
    蜘蛛看点多多!小蜘蛛各种萌各种可爱,话唠属性点满,虽然是戴着面具的脸,但表情之丰富造型之有趣实在是少见,非常非常好玩! 故事是小蜘蛛成名以后,被尼克弗瑞(Nick Fury)招揽,加入了神盾局(S.H.I.E.L.D.)。对于各路大英雄来说小蜘蛛实在是渺小,于是招待他的是各种锻炼测试,务求让他成为终极-蜘蛛侠(Ultimate Spider-man…
  •   影片表现了13世纪俄国亚历山大·内夫斯基王子率领军民击溃掠夺成性的德国立窝尼亚条顿骑士的业绩。爱森斯坦借鉴民间叙事诗的技巧,使这一爱国史诗具有明显的壮丽歌剧的风格。条顿骑士入侵俄国后,无恶不作。他们洗劫普斯科夫,吊死爱国者。内夫斯基带领人民群众,以伊格纳特等积极分子为骨干力量,保卫了重镇诺夫哥罗德,消灭了叛徒托瓦尔其…
  • 欧美剧
  • On the novel of the same name by Dmitry Nagishkin.About the final stage of the struggle for Soviet power in the Far East, about the revolutionary youth of those heroic years.Vladivostok, 1922. The underground organized an escape of comrades arrested by counterintelligence. Among the organizers are Komsomol member Vital…
  • Marigold Tate (Lupino) runs away from boarding school to stay with her retired aunt. She faces hostility from the locals, who display bigotry and snobbery towards her. During a witchcraft trial she is forced into a pool of water. The event is covered by newspaper editor Julian Barrow (Arlen), who falls in love with Tat…
  • 爱情片剧情
  • 六本木の伝説的キャバクラ「Red Dragon」が三度復活! 歌舞伎町から引き抜かれた筋金入りのナンバー1キャストの華恋を筆頭に、店では今夜もキャバ嬢が男たちに夢を見させている。そのサポートをしている新人キャバ嬢美華世は、いつか華恋を嬢王の座から引きずり落とし自分が成り上がることを夢見ていた。1年前、就職活動に苦しんでいた大学生の美…
  • Lobanovskiy Forever may celebrate the legend of Dynamo Kiev football coach Valeri Vasilievich Lobanovskiy, but it also develops into a lament for a bygone era when football could fill stadiums, inspire nations and bridge the divide between classes and countries. It will be primarily of interest to fans and historians o…