- On the occasion of the official 200th anniversary celebrations, this documentary is the first cinematic journey through the rooms, stories and emotions of one of the most visited museums in the world. Its wealth of over 8000 art treasures is a spell-binding eperience drawing almost 3 million visitors to Madrid every …
- 法老号船的年轻大副唐泰斯受船长临终之托为拿破仑党人送一封信,遭两个卑鄙小人和阴险检查官维尔福的陷害,被关入死牢。十八年后,他带着狱友法里亚教士临死前告诉他的秘密,越狱逃生,找到法里亚藏匿的宝藏后成为巨富,从此化名基督山伯爵。经过精心策划,他报答了恩人,惩罚了三个想置他于死地的仇人。
- 一名来自伦敦东区的登徒子,夜郎自大的自比为风流的「唐璜」,问题是他没有唐璜的侠义精神,只学到了风流耍帅的ㄧ面。他的座右铭就是:尽可能与各式各样的女人寻欢作乐!凭着自己英俊的长相和油嘴滑舌四处拈花惹草,和各式不同的女人鬼混。