搜索 Osvald

  • The film recreates the arrival of a group of Jewish immigrants fleeing persecution in Czarist Russia, establishing the first Hebrew colonies in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina.
  • 剧情片剧情
  • In this drama, the poor people living in the shantytowns surrounding Buenos Aires take tentative steps to resist the efforts of the military junta to tear down their shacks and put them out on the streets. One resisters is shown being forced into the trunk of a car by the military, which is a certain sentence of tortur…
  • When a young lady who knows nothing about housework falls in love with a handsome young man, her grandmother and governess help her look like an ideal housewife and an excellent match for marriage
  • Este documental, dirigido por David Blaustein y Osvaldo Daicich, plantea profundizar el debate sobre el conflicto entre el gobierno y el sector agropecuario que comenzó en 2008 por la resolución 125 que imponía las retenciones móviles a las exportaciones de soja. La investigación documenta las distintas voces que fuero…
  • 充满暴力、毫无幸福可言的黑暗家庭,最终让13岁的小男孩(Abel Ayala 饰)逃离并沦落街头。他流连于火车站前,靠模仿探戈歌手El Polaco赚取生活。不久,他爱上了16岁的雏妓(Marina Glezer 饰)。他俩连同一帮未成年的小偷、乞丐、妓女都在一个黑道人物雷戈(Rolly Serrano 饰)的控制之下。渴望幸福的男孩决定带着爱人逃离这残酷无望的生活,而…
  • 阿根廷新电影的奠基人莱奥帕多·托雷·尼尔逊(Leopoldo Torre Nilsson)七十年代的杰作,改编自小说家罗伯特·阿尔特(Roberto Arlt)的小说《七个疯子》,讲述男主角艾尔多萨因从底层挣扎的生活,逐渐走向崩溃的过程。阿尔特是二十世纪阿根廷最伟大的左翼现实主义作家和戏剧家,他出生于欧洲移民家庭,从小在布宜诺斯艾利斯的贫民窟中生活,熟…