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  • 喜剧片喜剧
  • Maestrul comediei romanesti, Geo Saizescu, reuseste in acest film sa dea viatapersonajului snoavelor populare romanesti, sa dea o imagine atemporala si plinade umor a satului romanesc, sa-i aduca lui Sebastian Papaiani statutul de vedeta.
  • 1 9 8 9 is an important year in the political history of Hungary. However, Petya and his friends couldn't care less. They are about to graduate high school. The only important things to them are the parties, girls, making some easy cash. And of course, passing the upcoming exam with the leaked questions. Written by Ano…
  • 11 out of 11 people found the following comment useful:-An excellent Romanian comedy! They don't do them like they used to..., 2 June 2005Author: Chitan Adrian (spoon_qb) from RomaniaThe movie is about the Miscellanious Brigade of the Bucharest Police and their extraordinary cases that they end up solving. All their ca…
  • 故事情节与《拯救大兵瑞恩》CD3相似。通过一个罗马尼亚小兵多布里塔的回忆,叙说了一段战争往事:在解放布达佩斯的战斗中,纳斯塔西少尉带领一支16人的尖刀分队攻占了德军的一个重要火力点,并随即进行了坚守。随后,德军不断反击,英勇的罗马尼亚士兵用自己的鲜血和生命一直坚守阵地至黎明时分。最后,在罗马尼亚小兵的视角里,无奈藏身于大楼…
  • This is a story of a man who wants to grasp and hold his beloved one by him and a woman who insists on that her love can't be grasped; 'she' only can deliver hers. It has written Comedy, Romance etc... but, this movie doesn't include anything funny, I believe.After I see the movie, I thought that love springs through a…
  • 2017年欧洲歌唱大赛
  • 罗马尼亚经典乡村爱情喜剧片。故事很有趣也很传统,能看到和听到不少旧时期的罗马尼亚民歌和民间舞蹈,怀旧一下,感觉不错。IMDB评分9.1。MY RATING 5