搜索 PJ

  • 根据波斯尼亚作家伊布里斯莫维奇的诗作拍摄的电影。
  • Philip Johnson has always been on the forefront of stylistic change, and his property in New Canaan, Connecticut, is a kind of laboratory where Johnson is his own best client. It was there that he built the famous “Glass House” he still resides in. This building has no walls (the landscape became “expensive wallpaper”)…
  • The American nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Jimmy Carter is attacked by a mysterious underwater object which stalks and disables the Seawolf-class super-sub with a powerful electromagnetic pulse. The underwater arctic research complex Hubris witnesses the attack and reports a rapid rise 1n the temperature of the …
  • The best thing about KATTEN MONS is the incredibly cool claymation art. The story itself of a very, very hungry cat that eats anything and everything is only okay, but it doesn't matter too much since the film is more like a piece of art than a traditional film. As for the clay, the story is told using two-dimensional …
  • 故事主要就是说一位瑞典的富商之子,已成家立业,但潜藏的同性情结突然爆发,爱上一位浪荡街头的阿尔及利亚籍的男子;为了这位实在不怎麽帅的男人,富商之子遭到家庭驱逐,而阿尔及利亚男子又突然命丧凯勒公园,男主人公成了警方的头号嫌疑犯……
  • 如花一般的东方女孩,皮肤白皙,发如黑漆。她邂逅了一位来自西方的英俊海员,两人在寂静的小岛上尽情体验着生命的欢愉,悠扬的咏叹调在蔚蓝的上空响起。欢愉过后,海员乘船离开,留给女孩的是那孤独歌唱的留声机、白色的海员帽以及长久不散的思念与哀伤。不久,女孩产下一女。女儿让她暂时忘却了相思之苦,却仍痴心等待爱人的到来。某天,爱人的…
  • 一群政府科学家在地下秘密研究机构,从英国洞穴发掘的不知名骨头中萃取DNA,培植出一只魔龙。这只怪兽诞生后没多久,就野蛮地杀死了自己的主人,然后逃脱。   这只魔龙时常会神不知鬼不觉地跟踪它的猎物,使得人类反而成为弱不禁风的玩物。大卫卡佛上校和他的士兵决心跟这只魔龙对抗,最后决一生死则是在漫天狂风暴雨之下,只有胜者才能生存。