- Greyhound racing makes an impression. Not only for the speed of the dogs, but for the recklessness of humans towards animals. With a profound narrative voice and precise images, Olivia Calcaterra manages to capture the tension between the people who train dogs to race and then abandon them, and the people who rescue th…
- The movie director Susanna Lira’s search for the story of her father, whom she never knew. Daughter of a young Ecuadorian guerrilla fighter who came to Brazil to fight against the military dictatorship in the 1970s, Susanna has been to Qui…
- After documenting her pregnancy, director Eliza Capai talks with other women who have had similar experiences, creating a powerful and touching choir of voices that reverberates on universal themes: life, death, mourning and public policies that affect us all. 源自:etudoverdade.com.br/en/filme/51220-Incompativel-Com-a-Vi…
- An undocumented Filipina immigrant lands a job as a care-worker for a terminal old man, securing a better life for her and her daughter. But a dark discovery threatens to destroy everything she's strived for and holds dear.
- Le média qui donne de la voix à ceux qui n'en ont plus, c'est la radio. Au nord de l'Irak, sept jeunes journalistes, musulmans, chrétiens et yézidis, tendent leurs micros à ceux qui veulent la paix. Ils travaillent pour Radio Al-Salam, an…
- 邀请一对(或多个)有矛盾的当事人进入演播室,主持人和人民调解员现场为当事人排忧解难,通过节目告诉观众面对纠纷的智慧和解决矛盾的艺术,将真实事件和综艺手段完美交融,塑造全新节目模式。节目中将大力体现人文关怀和心理疏导,倡导文明积极、健康向上的社会风尚。