搜索 Pali

  • After learning of an urban legend in which a demented serial killer named SMILEY can be summoned through the Internet, mentally fragile Ashley must decide whether she is losing her mind or becoming Smiley's next victim.
  • 永远忏悔深爱老婆的小混混,在理智情感道德中选择障碍的美女,生活中迷失的丈夫,坚持原则的推销员,混在中国的傻老外,敢爱敢恨的小保姆,还有谁?又在一个狭小的烟雾缭绕的公寓,围绕着一张小小的牌桌,六个各怀心事又暗中勾连相互制约生活中的小人物和另外半条命,各自为了生计,理想,情感,欲望的追逐着,陷入在一场充满欢笑却又发人深省的…
  • When high school senior Maddy Beauregard falls in love with a college frat guy, Maddy's over-protective mom strongly disapproves. Followed everywhere, Maddy realizes her own mother is a deranged stalker with a twisted desire to kill her new boyfriend. After a fierce argument, Maddy's new boyfriend is found murdered. Po…
  • An avant-garde feature fantasy about The Beatles in Buenos Aires, en 1966 ?!
  • Leonardo gets a job as a fumigator pilot in the soybean fields and moves with his family to the countryside. When he starts working, he discovers a dark secret that will put himself and his family in danger…
  • Troubled artist Cassie suffers with reoccurring visions of murder, which she copes with by committing the violent acts to canvas. But when her visions begin to manifest in real life, her friends and family begin to turn up dead. Realizing her visions actually provide a direct link to the killer, Cassie must now confron…
  • 剧情片
    杰西卡 一位单身母亲 和她18岁的女儿相依为命 直到泰莎开始违背妈妈的意愿和一个年长的男人约会 当杰西卡意识到年长的男人是在她上大学的时候袭击她的人 现在他回来复仇了 这场危机就变得致命了
  • 剧情片剧情
    Super30基于印度天才数学家Anand Kumar的非凡真实故事,他出生于印度比哈尔邦的一个非常贫穷的家庭。Anand每年将30名高度贫困但学术上光明的学生引入他的“超级30”课程,并在一个高效设计的课程中免费教导他们学生帮助他们破解印度最严格的印度理工学院(IIT)入学考试。这部电影捕捉了阿南德生活的考验和磨难,以及他为建立“超级30”学院所…
  • 剧情片
    羅馬尼亞新浪潮悍將培訏(《耐人尋味的追悼晚餐》,41屆)再向高難度挑戰。大地主的華麗莊園,請來客人留宿,屋外冰天雪地,室內討論熾熱。在飲飲食食之間,是連場對話,辯論宗教、戰爭、道德與死亡,觀點開始劇烈碰撞。仍是培訏的招牌長鏡頭,幾年前他取材俄國哲學家索洛維約夫的文本,以即興方式演繹成《三個道德練習》(38 屆),這次忠於原…