- The resistance movement of the residents of Favela do Vidigal against an eviction order, an important chapter in the history of Rio de Janeiro in the 1970s. The popular victory, after three years of struggle, was crowned with the visit of the Pope John Paul II to the favela in 1980. This episode was decisive for the en…
- 1945年3月10日午前0時過ぎ、アメリカ軍の爆撃機が東京を襲撃し、木造家屋や紙材が密集していた街に火の粉を浴びせた。この空襲は10万人以上の死者を出し、東京の4分の1を焼失させることになる。3人の生存者の言葉を本作で伝えたオーストラリア人映画監督エイドリアン・フランシスは「歴史上最も破壊的な空襲の記憶が忘れ去られようとしているこ…
- During their divorce, Florencia and Vicente must decide who gets to keep the children, but they have been promoted to the job they have always dreamed of, so they will do anything to not get custody of their children.