搜索 Pardo

  • After having come in last in the first leg, Wendy is given the unenviable task of eliminating one of her fellow racers, or faces elimination, herself. Winston's half-brother joins the race as his partner, as Alex finds himself a new partner as they realize the leg to Cape Canaveral is only a part of the next segment of…
  • 警方起先是调查一起谋杀案,但是却发现这和一个诈骗保险金的阴谋有关。凶手故布疑阵,多年来一直用另外一个人的身份活着,为了拿到巨额保险金,他不择手段,十分残忍。侦探霍特暗中调查,抽丝剥茧,终于让凶手无法得逞,但是最后霍特在与他纠缠搏斗的过程中英勇牺牲。而保险的受益人艾丝欧德惊奇地发现霍特探长曾默默帮助了她,使这笔保险生了效…
  • 农民剪影(Profils paysans)2004年出品。新闻记者出身的法国纪录片导演雷蒙德·德帕顿Raymond Depardon作品,共两部,第一部“近距离”,关于洛泽尔、 阿尔代什、上卢瓦尔等地的农民生活;第二部“日常生活”,关于农民面对经济、社会转变等一系列问题之下的日常生活。
  • San Clemente is a film by one of France's premiere documentarians and photographers- Raymond Depardon in collaboration with Sophie Ristelhueber. San Clemente is a psychiatric hospital that is isolated on a small island off the coast of Venice. I would like to say that this is the Italian/French version of Titicut Folli…
  • IgrejadePretosePardos
  • PortraitdeRaymondDepardon
  • 罗德尼·海登是一位美国梦想家:住在佛罗里达中部的小企业主、家庭妇男。受经济大萧条的影响破产后,他听说了一个关于地图、岛屿和宝藏的故事,这可能是他摆脱不断增加的债务的一个契机。在经济绝望和生活迷茫的双重刺激下,罗德尼制定了一个计划,从报道中的加勒比藏宝地区,找到传说中价值 200 万美元的可卡因。就这样,罗德尼踏上了追求自己…