- A rare, intimate glimpse into the life and mind of Jordan Peterson, the academic and best-selling author who captured the world's attention with his criticisms of political correctness and his life-changing philosophy on discovering personal meaning. Christened as the most influential public intellectual in the western…
- 国家/地区:英国年代:2003类型:彩色35毫米胶片动画时长:25分钟简介:“佐格”,真的存在吗?未来,2000年后,关于这个问题的答案终于揭晓。导演/编剧/动画制作/音效/摄影: Phil Mulloy音乐:Peter Brewis出品:Spectre Films及Baden-WurttembergTwo thousand years into the future, the battlefle…
- The film is a documentary film juxtaposing two distinct narrative threads. The first explore the history of a Czech girl who emigrates to France at the age of seventeen - a girl so hungry for freedom that she abandons family, boyfriend, homeland, culture...The other thead takes us on a circuitous route through the East…