搜索 Pekka

  • 一群裸体男人坐在桑拿室里,坦白地倾诉着他们的心声。在生锈的炉子产生的热气中,这些人不仅清洗他们的身体也清洗着他们的精神。镜头走进芬兰各地不同的桑拿室,让我们分享洗浴者关于爱,生死,友谊和生活的故事。摄像机以最简单的镜头语言记录下风景,桑拿室和洗桑拿者。其中对人物和感情深度的呈现几乎到了让观众无法忍受下去的边缘。影片以及…
  • A fictitious biography of Aira Samulin, the goddess of dance and importer of all the international dance crazes to Finland for some fifty years. The life story of this extravagant ever-teen, well beyond the usual retirement age, is told inside a fictitious plot about a Master of Ceremonies trying to persuade Aira to st…
  • 1939年一个芬兰村庄被苏军占领,在发现苏军中有芬奸一起活动时,村民们开始拒绝为苏军服务
  • 芬蘭新浪潮我始终认为六七十年代是电影的一个高峰,所以这个时代也许不知名的电影都具有深刻的潜质。这个名字很有意思,当我看到这个名字的时候一下子觉得心有所属。和我的网名一样。而这个电影名,按英语翻译是under the skin,在肌肤下的意思,应该是在表面下隐藏着某些东西,更深入的情感。结合剧情来看,也是表现年轻人内在的潜藏的情感。深…
  • Documentary film maker Maggy Fellman follows Composer-Conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen's footsteps, trying to find out how he became an international superstar conductor, and how his compositions are born.
  • "Flucht in den Norden" is a somewhat lackluster drama set in Finland in 1934. Johanna is a young woman who has fled Nazi Germany to visit her old university friend Karin at her family's estate in Finland. Quickly, it becomes clear that the two are more than just friends, as they resume what can only be assume…
  • Väinö Linna wrote two massive works in which Finland is still found today: Only the continuation war epic Tuntematon sotilas (1954), whose film adaptation by Edvin Laine (1955) now as part of the public television Independence Day program …