搜索 Pelé

  • 来自以色列(?)艺术家Ore Peleg的一部动画短片,名为《Romance – רומן》(浪漫),讲述一对老年夫妻之间安静、缓慢而不一般的浪漫,片长5分30秒。
  • 由一个普通的家庭,一个男孩的青春看到整个挪威社会八十年代末的变迁,欧美音乐、政治信仰和初恋爱情这些对于一个孩子只是青春的一部分,背后的家庭暴力才是重点,酗酒家暴的背后又是因为那个时代。血浓于水,美好的回忆似乎也总比想象中要多,无论发生过什么,无论你怎么逃避,亲情总在那里。
  • 剧情片
    Two dogs escape from a British government research lab. As the authorities hunt down the canine fugitives, the two dogs search for their original master and for a place where they'll be free from the iniquities and cruelties of Mankind.
  • 剧情片
    阿加特(艾莉森·惠勒 Alison Wheeler 饰)、莉莉(菲莉皮娜·斯丹德尔 Philippine Stindel 饰)和特洛伊(玛戈·巴席恩 Margot Bancilhon 饰)是三位好友,彼此之间感情非常的坚实。此次,三人结伴前往巴西,她们共同的闺蜜卡地亚(凡妮莎·吉德 Vanessa Guide 饰)要在那里举办她期待已久的盛大婚礼。三个女人抵达目的地,决定先去当地的夜店…
  • A group of 20-somethings set out to discover if an urban myth of a haunted house holds any truth.
  • 剧情片剧情
  • 藝術家自古皆寂寞或許是境界,人到中年萬事憂則是現實。在畫室洋洋灑灑呈現自由雄風的裸男畫作令他一舉成名,在家面對前妻懷着新歡骨肉、與女兒相處尷尬卻令他一籌莫展。貝蒙特的寂寞,在於如何在著名畫家與單親爸爸雙重身份、藝術創作與家庭生活之間取得平衡。維羅(《電影就在街角》,35 屆)找來合作多年的編劇兼美指好友對號入座,還原藝術…
  • The star of the hit series, The Haunting of Sunshine Girl, Sunshine embarks on a new adventure with her best pal, Nolan and a new sidekick Andrew. They head to Portland, Oregon in search of her favorite urban legend, Black Eyed Kids. Here they meet several witnesses who have seen BEK. This is a whole new adventure for …
  • About a pompous, aging alcoholic and a tourettes-inflicted ten-year-old boy who are forced to spend a week together at a high-end hotel. The only thing these two have in common is that they are both difficult to like. The hotel serves as their shared escape from the outside world and the problems it presents.
  • 动画片生活
    本片描述的「邪乎乐园」是由吸血鬼法兰西(Francis Von Bloodt)一手经营的主题乐园,他聘僱的员工都是些狼人、吸血殭尸、木乃伊和恶魔等......与黑魔法有关的生物,某天一个名叫阿克(Hector)的年轻稽查员来访告知「邪乎乐园」不安全必须歇业,法兰西为保住事业咬了阿克,将他变成吸血鬼,因此阿克不得不抛弃普通人的生活,留在乐园里工作,从…