搜索 Peng

  • 21世纪初,三农改革逐步深入,在基层农村工作的硕士生袁向群希望能全心全意地为当地农民办实事办好事。他发现省里的黄田公司在侵害盘水乡人民的合法利益,因此引发了一场经济合同纠纷。他为了帮农民争取合法权益,与黄田公司产生了冲突,谁料引发经济纠纷的黄田公司竟然有着深厚背景和巨大能量。面对身边亲人、同事的不理解,袁向群一直坚持,他…
  • 国产剧爱情
  • 综艺真人秀
  • 六个特立独行难以归类的人,被关在一间黑屋子里,烛光中,他们试图用语言来阐述生命中一些深刻的经历或对世界的模糊认知,陪伴他们的还有隐约的猫叫声,他们的表述没有主题,唯一的游戏规则是不可打断他人。拍前设想的是,这个短片只是三分之一部分,是前引。接下来还会分别在2011年,2012年持续跟踪记录六个人的生存状态和内心世界的转折变迁,…
  • In 1937, Japan began their invasion of China by murdering over 300,000 people in the capital of Nanjing. The atrocities committed against women and their daughters are especially barbaric. In Beijing, there are rumors that a masked man is systematically killing Japanese soldiers, working his way to the top Japanese Gen…
  • "Papa", one of the chiefs of a tribe in the highlands, is taxi driver of a "Tinpis", a collective bush-taxi. Saved from an accident by Naaki, a young man from the city, he offers him his daughter in thanks. Johanna and Naaki, however, refuse that their happiness be decided by her father, even though…
  • 名震江湖的威远镖局镖师高山虎与妻子叶洁冰、女儿高云英一家三口,因祸乱各散东西。山虎四出寻找妻女不果,意志消沉;洁冰得广东乡绅陆放豪收留,替他照顾子女少雄和少慧,少雄、少慧央求洁冰授予武艺,洁冰终允暗中传授;云英则由山虎镖局旧部抚育成人。云英长大后,重开镖局,以便打探双亲消息。一次,云英女扮男装押镖,途中巧遇山虎,父女凭…
  • This movie has far more potential as only being a 25 min short-film. Atmospherical intense, with a brilliant leading actor, beautiful images and well produced, shows "the breath-artist" of what we could expect in the future by these young people who did it. I hope this short-feature will cross the borders of …
  • Devastated by the violent death of his wife, helicopter pilot Sven Hanson (Ralph Moeller, Gladiator, Scorpion King) helplessly watches as his personal life and business unravel. He finds renewed hope on the exotic island of Mallorca until the day his peaceful life is rocked by the appearance of a gigantic 35-foot shark…