- This is the story of the most famous artistic rivalry of all time, the one between Borromini and Bernini, but also the story of Borromini’s rivalry with himself: a genius so absorbed by his art that he turns it into a demon that devours hi…
- 夏燃(杨紫 饰)和男友蒋剑南(郭鹏 饰)恋爱多年,感情十分稳定,然而某一日,蒋剑南居然在向夏燃提出分手后下落不明玩起了失踪,莫名被甩一头雾水的夏燃决心一定要找到蒋剑南问清事情的缘由,却在阴差阳错之下结识了蒋剑南的室友金志豪(乔振宇 饰)。 夏燃答应假扮金志豪的女友,以抚慰一直对儿子的情感问题耿耿于怀的金志豪的母亲,作为…